Blog: My philosophy thoughts

Here I start my blog thoughts: 

Hypocrisy and the modern society, Part I. 
The society that is shown as virtuous in modern entertainment, news, and internet has been built up out of the correctness shown by putting a light to the Lies and Hypocrisy of the old traditions, racial identity, and economic powers.  This might be correct and true, but the repercussions are something we are discovering at the moment.
We are seeing the pendulum swing too far the other way, filling the shallow moral world that is left behind with its own hypocrisy and power.  This leftover society is on a path of the mediocre and intolerant, which is a stark mark of Hypocrisy compared to the advertising that money induced corporations are showing the masses. 
As in many things, the most logical step is to find a balance in what we are and what we do.  Of course, the balance can be easily argued against by intolerance on either side in any argument.  When we throw away logic in our discussions, we just end up holding a place where no one can be wrong or ask for forgiveness.  But following this logically, eventually, the person with the power of correctness will fall also, and they will find themselves on the cutting room floor of society soon enough. 
Because, who is perfect, who has no hypocrisy inside themselves?  Spend more time working on yourself, and less being a Troll to the world.

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