Back once again

So I am back, had a long year of medical things, but now I am back to updating my website. This will be a repository of all things, graphic art and design, 3d work, art and writings, gaming and other interests.

Blog: Fall is here

Fall is my favorite time of the year, when the terrible heat of summer leaves and the wonderful cool weather finally reappears. Autumn colors fill my imagination with brilliant images. I feel it as a time of rebirth of my creativity,

Last few months

I’ve been down the path of sickness and back again over the last five months. Malabsorption and sickness, losing weight and weakness, after getting insurance and going to a couple of doctors, I finally got lab test results and biopsy results that showed that I have Celiac disease.

Now I am in healing, and back to working. It will take a few months more to get health, but i’m feeling better, yet still have a few down days.

So here I am adding entries once again to my blog…

Blog: Thoughts about plans

The end of the year, and especially the New Year, brings about thoughts about goals and plans. And I have had a lot of change for me over the last year, so my goals have been fluid. But, I have a part of me that has to keep on trying, so I will be working on my new goals for the new year over the next couple of weeks, and I think I will be at a stronger point with them than many times in my past.

Blog: Creative yearning

A designer that yearns for creativity, sometimes is the best type of designer.  But, at other times, it makes for extra work and false starts galore. That is why I think it is important for me to continue drawing when I get some free time, so my imagination get to just run wild.  

As usual, the best place for me to be is to be at a balance with both parts of my being.

Blog: Tech, the long view

I’m getting to the age of seeing the decades I have lived through from a higher viewpoint, and i’m starting to feel the rhythm of how reality pulses between it all.  Also, I have lived the outlines of some very important growths.  

One of these are the computer revolution.  My high school years were peak time for the beginning of the personal computer, with the Apple II+.  I had messed around with a business computer a year or two earlier, but now I got to learn BASIC computer programming, and video gaming (which had started in our household with the Pong dedicated video game in the 70’s).

I went into college as a computer programming major, and worked on SIU’s computer system, and bought my own PC Clone a year into my studies, to help me learn.  I wanted to change my major to graphic design, but computer graphics was just beginning, and I didn’t get my chance for that, yet.

From the late 80’s to the 90’s I worked on my own computer learning path, with various PC’s I built on my own, and reading all I could about the new tech.  I saw the birth of the internet, and went from AOL, to the wider internet, to making my own nascent web sites, and learning what graphics and 3D design software I could find.

It is amazing how. for about the last 20 years, our internet/web world went from learning www, email, and dial up at 28.8 Kbps to mobile web, glut of messaging apps, and cable that gets around 175 Mbps (175,000 Kbps).  When google’s days began, I remember reading their page that showed the new websites that came out each day, and as of last year an average of 14,281 a day were made.  The beginning days had us trying to get noticed by any means on the internet, and now we are trying to make sure our privacy is safe from the big data firms, that sell our virtual information to advertisers and who-knows-what.

Now, as a graphic designer, I work with all the best design software, and use 3D design in projects where needed.  Also now-a-days young adults don’t have a clue of how it was without smart phones and social networks.  

I guess I am trying to say, I am feeling old. But, I will always keep my eyes open to the new tech, and I sure enjoy the growth of it all.

Blog: Creative Reality

On my mind right now, the balance I try to obtain between my creative & playful mind, and my business & reality brain.  I love science, tech & programs, and sample many of these elements of my world, but never to the extreme, never as a career only.  I also adore the subconscious world of imagination and how it shows us truths of a different type, and this is the most fun I have, but it doesn’t bring in income.  So bringing them together with Design has been my golden truth, and the balance I am making with them is the path I should be on. 

Also I voted today, it is the part we take for granted sometimes, for being an American, and how we can change the story of our country.  We just need more selections of individuals who are transparent when it comes to their decisions. 

Blog: Becoming fearful

When has society turned the corner from freedom to being scared to discuss anything?  Because we get judged quickly these days, and logic gets thrown out the door.  The truths aren’t clear anymore, when everybody can use our means of communication as propaganda.  The shades of grey are becoming lost in the need for ‘me vs you’ ideology.  People don’t see that they create their enemies themselves, and morality has become a science that isn’t viable.  I am fearful of this path for society.

Blog: long summer

This has been a especially long summer, and I can’t wait until my favorite time of the year comes, the cooling fall.  It is probably one of the reasons I would never move anywhere without the seasons I grew up with, without the cold snowy winters we wouldn’t have the wonderful fall, and amazing springs, and while I don’t like the summer heat, it doesn’t last, well, this year it lasted a little long, but that will change as every year does.

Blog: My philosophy thoughts

Here I start my blog thoughts: 

Hypocrisy and the modern society, Part I. 
The society that is shown as virtuous in modern entertainment, news, and internet has been built up out of the correctness shown by putting a light to the Lies and Hypocrisy of the old traditions, racial identity, and economic powers.  This might be correct and true, but the repercussions are something we are discovering at the moment.
We are seeing the pendulum swing too far the other way, filling the shallow moral world that is left behind with its own hypocrisy and power.  This leftover society is on a path of the mediocre and intolerant, which is a stark mark of Hypocrisy compared to the advertising that money induced corporations are showing the masses. 
As in many things, the most logical step is to find a balance in what we are and what we do.  Of course, the balance can be easily argued against by intolerance on either side in any argument.  When we throw away logic in our discussions, we just end up holding a place where no one can be wrong or ask for forgiveness.  But following this logically, eventually, the person with the power of correctness will fall also, and they will find themselves on the cutting room floor of society soon enough. 
Because, who is perfect, who has no hypocrisy inside themselves?  Spend more time working on yourself, and less being a Troll to the world.